About Us

Established in 1992, The Vietnamese Community of Clark County was
created to promote cultural awareness and empower the Vietnamese community.

About Us

VCCC is a Non-Profit Voluntary Organization

Established in 1992 by the first wave of Vietnamese immigrants and refugees settled in this region. Recognizing the need for a formal structure and support as the refugees and immigrants adjusted to this life, volunteer Vietnamese community leaders organized and established the Vietnamese Community of Clark County (VCCC). We provide many programs from culture and language classes to mentoring and tutoring young students.

Become a Volunteer Today!

All staff involved in the administration of VCCC are volunteers and no individual receives remuneration for their work.

Our Mission

. To help new immigrants to adjust to our country.
. To provide a support network for helping children and youth development and seniors
. To enrich the multicultural heritage of Clark County.


We envision a supportive and inclusive society where individuals care for one another and continually commit to justice and peace.

Our Legacy

The Vietnamese-American community was formed by the first wave of Vietnamese immigrants who settled in Clark County in 1975. Since then our community has grown. We were incorporated in 1992 and officially acquired the nonprofit status in 2005 (501.C.3).

We Provide an Supportive Environment and Programs for Students to Grow while Learning about Vietnamese Culture and Language.

VCCC created a Viet Innovation Club with the goal of teaching the general Vietnamese language program, computer programming, cultural activities. On that basis, the VIC tries to help the children understand more about Vietnamese language, literature, and art and explore new information technology..

Our Team



Empowering Our Community & Enriching Cultures

Minh Pham came to the United States in 1984 from Saigon, Vietnam. He graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering in 1993. He is a software engineer at Cisco Systems Inc. He was president of the Vietnamese Community of Clark County(VCCC) from 2013-2017 and he is on the VCCC board. He is the principal of the VCCC language school in Vancouver, WA which has 25 teachers and volunteers. The VCCC Language School teaches Vietnamese language to 50 students from kindergarten to 9th grade on every weekend.
Hieu Huynh

Vice President of Internal Affairs

Phung Ojala

Vice President of External Affairs

Thuy Huynh


Our Trusted Partners


Together, We Can Build A Stronger Community.

Established in 1992, The Vietnamese Community of Clark County was
If you are interested in learning more about or getting involved with the VCCC, please contact us.