Education For Children & Youth

Children are our future


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Khảo Cứu về Biến Đổi Khí Hậu

Xin giúp quý Đồng Hương giúp điền đơn khảo cứu dưới đây. Đây là contract work với Clark County để mình có fund mướn trường học. Tiếng Việt: Tiếng Anh: Please help VIC to fill o

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Ghi Danh Học Sinh Cho Năm Học 2024-2025

Kính Chào Quý Phụ Huynh, VIC đang nhận ghi danh cho học mới cho đến ngày 9/14/2024. Xin điền đơn ghi danh online. . ======================= To Parents, VIC is taking application for new students until 9/14/2024. Please fill your the online applcaiton using the below lin

Tải Đơn (download forms)

• Tiếng Việt

• Tiếng Anh


A Vietnamese Language & Cultural Education

Our school teaches Vietnamese to children ages 4-18 and also offers language classes and career guidance to young adults ages 18-24. We use a new teaching tool - Kahoot.
Clark College
Hanna Hall
1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA 98661
Every Saturday
1 PM - 5 PM

Enroll Today

Download the student application form below

Frequently Asked Questions

The school is currently free. If you’d like to help us keep school free, please donate today!
Yes, all students are welcome regardless of fluency.
Yes, the school is open to all students.
Enrollment is as simple as filling out the application above.

Join Our Computer & Robotic Programming

Taught by engineers, our weekly computer programming class is open for all interested students.
Clark College
Hanna Hall
1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA 98661
Every Saturday
1 PM - 5 PM

Our Trusted Partners


Together, We Can Build A Stronger Community.

Established in 1992, The Vietnamese Community of Clark County was
If you are interested in learning more about or getting involved with the VCCC, please contact us.